Homepage of Bernhard Haug

Specialist Practice

Neurology and Psychiatry

General Interest

Japan and its Culture

Genealogy HAUG

Personal Information

Curriculum Vitae

Research and Occupation

Visual Science Laboratory

Selected Publications

Visitors' Comments


Hara Zaimei

Cherry blossoms in Yoshino


Autumn colours in Arashiyama

This Homepage http://www.bhaug.de/home.htm includes my curriculum vitae and professional data as a neurologist active in the field of clinical neurophysiology (EEG, EP, MEG, MEP, EMG, EOG, ERG, DPX, fMRI). There is additional information on genealogical data of my family.

A direct link to my Japan homepage http://www.bhaug.de/japan.htm, provides some information on Japan and its culture, which I learned to love during my previous stay in Kyoto. The sections on Japanese games (board, card, tiles) and cinema (films) are dominating at the moment, but more sections are planned (literature, news etc.). There are further links to Japan-related WWW pages.

Dr. med. Bernhard A. Haug

(Neurologist, Psychiatrist)

Vaihinger Strasse 24
D-70567 Stuttgart


Normal E-mail: dr.b.haug@arcor.de
Japanese E-mail:

Private: ... xx49 (711) 7586765
Office: .....xx49 (711) 7941174
Fax: ........xx49 (551) 7941286